AI Powered chatbots

Leverage Your EXISTING Content for Internal & External Purposes

AI Powered Chatbots

Newlogiq has built custom AI powered chatbots that can sit ontop of your existing Sharepoint, Dropbox or Google Drive repositories

Introducing the revolutionary AI Chatbot, the Newlogiq1000! Created by Newlogiq, this cutting-edge chatbot utilizes the incredible power of Langchain technology and vector databases to bring you a seamless and rapid deployment of an AI-powered chatbot. Say goodbye to the days of scouring through endless documents and files – the Newlogiq1000 is here to revolutionize your organization!

Are you tired of wasting precious time and resources searching for important information? Look no further. The Newlogiq1000 is specifically designed to cater to all your needs, whether internal or external. Need access to employee manuals or benefits? Project files? Customer support? Our chatbot does it all, effortlessly integrating with your existing document repositories like Sharepoint, Dropbox and Google.

So, why wait? Transform the way you access information with our AI Chatbot, the Newlogiq1000.  Embrace the power of AI and experience the difference it can make. Let us help you unleash the full potential of your organization. Get in touch with us today and take a step towards a brighter, more intelligent future.