Newlogiq Releases “Redisovering Joy in Leadership: A Whitepaper on Reducing Stress and Transforming Your Business”
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Achieving Work-Life Balance Through Executive Coaching: A Summer Priority
Achieving Work-Life Balance Through Executive Coaching: A Summer Priority
The Science of Habit Formation: How Long Does It Take to Develop a New Habit?
Executive Coaching Aides in Habit Forming There is a widespread belief that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. This notion is often attributed to Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1950s who noticed his patients seemed to acclimate to their new faces or limbs after approximately 21 days. However, modern […]
A Whitepaper: Executive Coaching at Newlogic
Many small-to-mid-sized businesses face a common challenge: the development of a strong leadership team below the chief executive. Often, individuals are promoted to leadership positions because of their exceptional skills in a particular area, but they lack the necessary formal leadership training to excel in their new role. As a result, businesses struggle to reach […]
Overcoming the Challenges of Leading a Family Business
Introduction Family businesses often have a unique dynamic that can be both a blessing and a curse for leadership. Specifically, family members who have grown up in the business have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They know virtually every aspect of the business and have probably done every job at one time or another. […]
Overcoming the Challenge of Developing Leaders in Small to Mid-Sized Family-Owned Businesses
Introduction As a CEO or President of a small to mid-sized family-owned business, you are probably well aware of the challenges that come with developing new leaders. Perhaps you’ve struggled to find the right person to take over the reins of the family business or have found it difficult to get your employees to take […]